Dear, old generators delegation :)
The alts static method will race taking values from multiple channels. It will perform a conversion between ChannelWrapper and the Channels needed by the alts async function
The merge static method will merge together multiple channels, returning a new one that will receive each value inserted into one of its input channels. As soon as a value is available from one of the input channels, it will be putted into the resulting channel.
A fresh new channel that will receive all the values inserted into input channels
The mergeDelayed static method will merge together multiple channels, returning a new one that will receive each value inserted into one of its input channels. Before taking the next value from one of the input channels, a corresponding take operation will be waited (implicitly contained into the drain method).
A fresh new channel that will receive all the values inserted into input channels
The select static method will race taking values from multiple channels, similar to alts, but will also return the key of the channel that was selected. It will perform a conversion between ChannelWrapper and the Channels needed by select
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A reference to the real Channel that is wrapped